There are various times in business when marketing strategies are less than successful. These marketing strategies may target the wrong potential clients or simply not have the information needed to wow prospective customers. With account-based marketing, the chances of being successful with sales are much more likely.
What is Account-Based Marketing?
Account-based marketing is a strategy when marketing and sales departments come together to develop a plan to target accounts that may actually yield results. This collaboration focuses on personalized buying experiences to create marketing strategies that will appeal to each individual account.
How it Works
Account-based marketing works with a few different steps. First, the marketing and sales departments of a company come together to brainstorm ideas to target the best accounts. Individuals from these two separate departments work together to create a marketing strategy that will yield sales with particular customers and prospective customers. The two departments work together and strategize a marketing plan that’s likely to bring about the best results.
Top Brands That Use It
Many top brands use account-based marketing to realize their sales goals. Some of the top brands that put this marketing strategy into play include T-Mobile, DocuSign, and McDonald’s. These top brands put account-based marketing into motion and made it work well for their sales needs. And these are just the more well-known companies! There are plenty of smaller companies that use account-based marketing to help with their sales.
Benefits of Account-Based Marketing
With account-based marketing, you’re focusing on an audience that’s likely to appreciate what you have to offer. You tailor your marketing campaigns to fit the needs of this audience and the results will show that this type of marketing strategy is a good one to use.
Risk of Not Doing It
If you don’t use account-based marketing, you may have a general marketing plan but the sales results may not be as good. With account-based marketing, you’re ensuring the company’s sales and marketing departments are working together which means success is often more likely to occur.
How to Get Started with Account-Based Marketing
Ready to put an account-based marketing strategy into motion? Here are some steps you can follow:
- Align your marketing and sales departments so each knows what the other is doing and working together.
- Conduct account persona research to identify your target audience.
- Account plans are created by both departments for each individual account.
- Reach out to account contacts in some way, either directly or indirectly.
- Measure how your account-based marketing campaigns are doing.
- Put the sales portion in motion.
Account-based marketing takes some time to complete. Fortunately, account-based marketing professionals can help you every step of the way!
Speak with the experts at AIMG about enhancing your marketing strategy and lead generation efforts!