Over the last few years, content marketing has taken the digital marketing world by storm.
People are no longer satisfied with simply going directly to a retailer or vendor website, reading about a product, and making a purchase.
With a greater array of options, savvy consumers in all verticals are taking time to do extensive product research and look at many information sources.
Creating value for your prospects, leads, and customers is at the heart of B2B content marketing. Still, it might be challenging to think of new ways to expand your B2B content marketing efforts.
If you want to get more value from content marketing in 2019, here’s how.
Develop the Systems and Processes You Need to Succeed
Content marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. Getting to your goals means continuously moving forward in a calculated way. With such a major, ongoing project, it only makes sense you would need effective systems behind you at every turn.
That includes:
Customer Relationship Management
A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) suite provides complete visibility into behavior of your leads and customers, helping you see as soon as they take actions suggesting they may be moving toward a final purchase. Many of these programs also link to your website analytics.
Content Management and Content Calendar
A good content management system provides a back-end that allows you to keep all of your site pages organized. This is an absolute must in a world where you may be adding hundreds of pages each year as you expand your library of content.
Create New Opportunities to Connect With Your Users
Are you doing everything you can to get live feedback from real users?
Social media, webinars, customer surveys, reviews … all of these are opportunities to hear from your public. Real customers will give you the insights you need to excel if you ask them, so make sure their voice factors into your content research strategy.
Craft Educational Content Around New Pain Points
Another aspect of understanding your audience is making sure your content addresses the burning questions users have right now. Their concerns can change: Your blog, e-books, and videos must keep pace. What are customers curious about that you’re not helping with yet?
Make Use of Mobile-Friendly Multimedia Content
In both B2B and B2C, more people are turning to mobile content – particularly video. Video makes a site more visible and authoritative. It also happens to be the perfect content “snack” for users on the go who are accessing your site through a smartphone.
Content will continue to grow in importance in 2019 and beyond. The most successful brands will embrace their roles as Web content publishers and keep their readers as their #1 marketing priority.